Stipop Docs | Documentation for SDK and API

Key Features

Key Features 페이지는 아직 준비중에 있습니다. 이 페이지에서는 스티커 인터페이스의 핵심 기능에 대해 보다 상사헤가 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Features List

Messaging Sticker Features
Sticker PackageCoreBasic sticker package page information displayed to for the user to fully experience the content.
Recently Viewed PackagesCoreList of sticker packages the user viewed recently. Used to help user go back to stickers for download/purchase.
Recently Used StickersCoreList of stickers the user sent recently on your messenger. Used to increase user experience in using stickers.
Frequently Used StickersCoreList of stickers the user sent most often on your messenger. Used to increase user experience in using stickers.
Sticker DownloadCoreCore feature for users to download sticker packages. Used along with download history feature.
Sticker PurchaseCoreCore feature for users to purchase sticker packages. Used along with purchase history feature.
Sticker Package Wish ListPremiumUsed to add stickers into user wish list. Can be also used as a ‘Like’ feature.
Send Gift PackagePremiumA premium feature to allow users to send stickers as a gift to another user inside or ourside your app.
Register Sticker UsageCoreCore feature to analyze sticker usage within your app. It will help us send more personalized stickers to your users.
View Sticker CategoryCoreCan be used to simply list different categories Stipop Library provides.

Sticker Package

Basic sticker package page information displayed to for the user to fully experience the content.

Stipop Stickers

Recently Viewed Packages

List of sticker packages the user viewed recently. Used to help user go back to stickers for download/purchase.

Stipop Stickers

Recently Used Stickers

List of stickers the user sent recently on your messenger. Used to increase user experience in using stickers.

Stipop Stickers

Frequently Used Stickers

List of stickers the user sent most often on your messenger. Used to increase user experience in using stickers.

Stipop Stickers

Sticker Download

Core feature for users to download sticker packages. Used along with purchase history feature.

Stipop Stickers

Sticker Purchase

Core feature for users to purchase sticker packages. Used along with purchase history feature.

Stipop Stickers

Sticker Package Wish List

Used to add stickers into user wish list. Can be also used as a ‘Like’ feature.

Stipop Stickers

Send Gift Package

A premium feature to allow users to send stickers as a gift to another user inside or ourside your app.

Stipop Stickers

Register Sticker Usage

Core feature to analyze sticker usage within your app. It will help us send more personalized stickers to your users.

Stipop Stickers

View Sticker Category

Can be used to simply list different categories Stipop Library provides.

Stipop Stickers

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