Stipop Docs | Documentation for SDK and API

Confirm Gift Pack

Add the Confirm Gift Pack API along with Send Gift Pack API. Once these are added you can also add a list of sent/received sticker packs so the users can see a list of gifted sticker packages.

Request URL


Best Practices

  1. We highly recommend you utilizing the Confirm Gift Pack API along with Sent Gift Pack List API and Received Gift Pack List.
  2. For the sendUserId and receiveUserId parameter, please don't use identical userId for multiple users. This is thoroughly monitored and in case of any misuse, the API key can be blocked from usage. The userId can be in any string format.
  3. Once you’ve set the API visit your Dashboard Analytics page and see gift sticker reports. Other clients have seen valuable data such as a data set that can lead to understanding user satisfaction of the product and increasing revenue on a sticker store model.


Request Headers
apikeystringStipop API Key for your app.
Visit developer dashboard for new API Key.
Request Path Parameters
packIdstringThe [packId] of a sticker pack, NOT stickerId.
Example: 6363, 5636, 5859
sendUserIdstringThe userId of a user who's sending gift pack.
The userId can be in any string format.
Important: Using same userId for multiple users is not allowed.
receiveUserIdstringThe userId of a user who's receiving gift pack.
The userId can be in any string format.
Important: Using same userId for multiple users is not allowed.

Example Request

Sample Call: Confirm Gift Pack
curl --location --request PUT ""  --header "apikey:xxxxxxxxx"

Success Response

Success Response code 200
  "header": {
      "code": "0000",
      "status": "success",
      "message": "success"
  "body": []

Response Format

packageIdintSticker package ID
packageNamestringSticker package name
packageImgstringMain image of sticker package
packageCategorystringSticker package category
packageKeywordsstringSticker package keyword
packageAnimatedstringIs sticker animated (Y/N)
isNewstringIs sticker new (Y/N)
artistNamestringName of the artist
languagestringMain language of sticker package
isDownloadstringIs sticker downloaded by the user (Y/N)
isWishstringIs sticker in wish list (Y/N)
isReceivestringIs sticker received by the user (Y/N)
sendUserIdstringUser ID of the user who sent the gift sticker package
receiveUserIdstringUser ID of the user who received the gift sticker package
sendDatedateDate when gift sticker package was sent
receiveDatedateDate when gift sticker package was received

Error Response

non exist apikey9000The API key used does not exist
server error1000Unable to receive data from the server
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